Differs from JSONColumns format in that it also contains some metadata and statistics (similar to JSON format). Output format buffers all data in memory and then outputs them as a single block, so, it can lead to high memory consumption.
Example Usage
"name": "num",
"type": "Int32"
"name": "str",
"type": "String"
"name": "arr",
"type": "Array(UInt8)"
"num": [42, 43, 44],
"str": ["hello", "hello", "hello"],
"arr": [[0,1], [0,1,2], [0,1,2,3]]
"rows": 3,
"rows_before_limit_at_least": 3,
"elapsed": 0.000272376,
"rows_read": 3,
"bytes_read": 24
For JSONColumnsWithMetadata input format, if setting input_format_json_validate_types_from_metadata is set to 1, the types from metadata in input data will be compared with the types of the corresponding columns from the table.