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In this format, ClickHouse formats/parses data as a sequence of BSON documents without any separator between them. Each row is formatted as a single document and each column is formatted as a single BSON document field with column name as a key.

Data Types Matching

For output it uses the following correspondence between ClickHouse types and BSON types:

ClickHouse typeBSON Type
Bool\x08 boolean
Int8/UInt8/Enum8\x10 int32
Int16/UInt16/Enum16\x10 int32
Int32\x10 int32
UInt32\x12 int64
Int64/UInt64\x12 int64
Float32/Float64\x01 double
Date/Date32\x10 int32
DateTime\x12 int64
DateTime64\x09 datetime
Decimal32\x10 int32
Decimal64\x12 int64
Decimal128\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtype, size = 16
Decimal256\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtype, size = 32
Int128/UInt128\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtype, size = 16
Int256/UInt256\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtype, size = 32
String/FixedString\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtype or \x02 string if setting output_format_bson_string_as_string is enabled
UUID\x05 binary, \x04 uuid subtype, size = 16
Array\x04 array
Tuple\x04 array
Named Tuple\x03 document
Map\x03 document
IPv4\x10 int32
IPv6\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtype

For input it uses the following correspondence between BSON types and ClickHouse types:

BSON TypeClickHouse Type
\x01 doubleFloat32/Float64
\x02 stringString/FixedString
\x03 documentMap/Named Tuple
\x04 arrayArray/Tuple
\x05 binary, \x00 binary subtypeString/FixedString/IPv6
\x05 binary, \x02 old binary subtypeString/FixedString
\x05 binary, \x03 old uuid subtypeUUID
\x05 binary, \x04 uuid subtypeUUID
\x07 ObjectIdString/FixedString
\x08 booleanBool
\x09 datetimeDateTime64
\x0A null valueNULL
\x0D JavaScript codeString/FixedString
\x0E symbolString/FixedString
\x10 int32Int32/UInt32/Decimal32/IPv4/Enum8/Enum16
\x12 int64Int64/UInt64/Decimal64/DateTime64

Other BSON types are not supported. Also, it performs conversion between different integer types (for example, you can insert BSON int32 value into ClickHouse UInt8). Big integers and decimals (Int128/UInt128/Int256/UInt256/Decimal128/Decimal256) can be parsed from BSON Binary value with \x00 binary subtype. In this case this format will validate that the size of binary data equals the size of expected value.


This format does not work properly on Big-Endian platforms.

Example Usage

Format Settings