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AvroConfluent supports decoding single-object Avro messages commonly used with Kafka and Confluent Schema Registry. Each Avro message embeds a schema ID that can be resolved to the actual schema with the help of the Schema Registry. Schemas are cached once resolved.

Data Types Matching

The data types matching for the ClickHouse format are the same as for Avro.

Example Usage

To quickly verify schema resolution you can use kafkacat with clickhouse-local:

$ kafkacat -b kafka-broker  -C -t topic1 -o beginning -f '%s' -c 3 | clickhouse-local   --input-format AvroConfluent --format_avro_schema_registry_url 'http://schema-registry' -S "field1 Int64, field2 String"  -q 'select *  from table'
1 a
2 b
3 c

To use AvroConfluent with Kafka:

CREATE TABLE topic1_stream
field1 String,
field2 String
ENGINE = Kafka()
kafka_broker_list = 'kafka-broker',
kafka_topic_list = 'topic1',
kafka_group_name = 'group1',
kafka_format = 'AvroConfluent';

-- for debug purposes you can set format_avro_schema_registry_url in a session.
-- this way cannot be used in production
SET format_avro_schema_registry_url = 'http://schema-registry';

SELECT * FROM topic1_stream;

Format Settings

The Schema Registry URL is configured with format_avro_schema_registry_url.


Setting format_avro_schema_registry_url needs to be configured in users.xml to maintain it’s value after a restart. Also you can use the format_avro_schema_registry_url setting of the Kafka table engine.