Supported Cloud Regions
AWS Regions
- ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)
- ap-south-1 (Mumbai)
- ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)
- ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)
- eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)
- eu-west-1 (Ireland)
- eu-west-2 (London)
- us-east-1 (N. Virginia)
- us-east-2 (Ohio)
- us-west-2 (Oregon)
Under Consideration:
- ca-central-1 (Canada)
- me-central-1 (Middle East)
- af-south-1 (South Africa)
- eu-north-1 (Stockholm)
- sa-east-1 (South America)
Google Cloud regions
- asia-southeast1 (Singapore)
- europe-west4 (Netherlands)
- us-central1 (Iowa)
- us-east1 (South Carolina)
Under Consideration:
- australia-southeast1 (Sydney)
- us-west-1 (Oregon)
- eu-west-1 (Belgium)
Azure regions
- West US 3 (Arizona)
- East US 2 (Virginia)
- Germany West Central (Frankfurt)
Private regions
We offer Private regions in select cases for large-scale deployments. Please Contact us for private region requests.
Key considerations for private regions:
- Services will not auto-scale.
- Services cannot be stopped or idled.
- Development services (2 replicas) are not supported.
- Manual scaling (both vertical and horizontal) can be enabled with a support ticket.
- If a service requires configuration with CMEK, the customer must provide the AWS KMS key during service launch.
- To launch services new and additional, requests will need to be made through a support ticket.
Additional requirements may apply for HIPAA compliance (including signing a BAA). Note that HIPAA is currently available only for Dedicated services