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Adds, modifies, or removes comment to the table, regardless if it was set before or not. Comment change is reflected in both system.tables and SHOW CREATE TABLE query.


ALTER TABLE [db].name [ON CLUSTER cluster] MODIFY COMMENT 'Comment'


Creating a table with comment (for more information, see the COMMENT clause):

CREATE TABLE table_with_comment
`k` UInt64,
`s` String
ENGINE = Memory()
COMMENT 'The temporary table';

Modifying the table comment:

ALTER TABLE table_with_comment MODIFY COMMENT 'new comment on a table';
SELECT comment FROM system.tables WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'table_with_comment';

Output of a new comment:

│ new comment on a table │

Removing the table comment:

ALTER TABLE table_with_comment MODIFY COMMENT '';
SELECT comment FROM system.tables WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND name = 'table_with_comment';

Output of a removed comment:

│ │


For Replicated tables, the comment can be different on different replicas. Modifying the comment applies to a single replica.

The feature is available since version 23.9. It does not work in previous ClickHouse versions.